Book ordering
There are around 5000 titles on our shelves.
We have a great range of fiction, from the newest hardback and paperback releases, to classics, as well as a rich collection of children’s and young adult fiction. We also have an extensive non-fiction range, including nature writing, biography, cookery, health, science, current affairs, and local Stroud as well as general history.
If you can’t find what you’re searching for, we can get hold of 500,000 titles through our wholesaler for you, often with less than 24hrs notice. To order, telephone the shop on 01453 756646, email us at stroudbookshop@gmail.com, or contact us through the website; we can send to you anywhere in the UK or abroad (postage costs apply), or you can collect and pay for your books in the shop on Stroud High Street.
We accept National Book Tokens, which you can purchase in the shop,
or online via the National Book Tokens website.